Lorenzo Crippa

Welcome! I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Political Economy at the University of Strathclyde where I am also affiliated with the Center for Energy Policy.

I do research in the field of international political economy, with a particular interest in firms, international organizations, and the global governance of multinational companies (MNCs). My primary goal is to study the behaviors of firms as they contribute to global issues (e.g., climate change, corruption, or illicit finance). I explore solutions to address these challenges, including state regulation, international law/organizations, and market-based or voluntary initiatives. I have studied these themes mainly in the realm of bribery and climate behavior.

Part of my work (including my PhD thesis and related projects) investigates the regulation of corporate corruption. I have studied how states enforce anti-bribery international policies and their effects on FDI, portfolio performance, bribery, and offshore financial flows. Beyond corporate bribery, I study environmental behavior, greenwashing, and international climate negotiations. Methodologically, I apply computational methods for causal inference and text analysis.